Should the Government row back on its planned cutbacks in education?

Source : Irish Times - View Results

News Poll : Should the Government row back on its planned cutbacks in education?

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AFFIRMATIVE. UNFORTUNATELY, A GOOD EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM FAILS THE "INSTANT GRATIFICATION" TEST! I said it yesterday and I reiterate. Government is only interested in keeping the peasants in a state of instant euphoria. And a ling term expanse like the proper funding of an educational system doesn't fit into the plans. It's cash in the hand which motivates the instant gratification seekers. They want the Endorphin rush, and they want it NOW. Education and a delayed gratification culture is alien to the Irish who, as statistics prove, are one of the most addictive prone societies in the Western world. Unfortunately, this sad social disease in easily passed from one generation to the next. Parents, often little more that children themselves, are often the purveyors of the Alcohol and drugs which current numb the minds of prepubescent teens. Many parents distain the idea of individual responsibility and self discipline. They make up the enormous numbers, who left school early, or didn't even attend and heeded the call of the pied piper of drink and mind altering drugs. Alas, the Irish government sees little need to combat this dysfunctional behaviour because it keeps the minions under control. Mass education is the worst threat to a government bent on keeping the populace from challenging the higher echelon and preventing a popular uprising. So, at the end of the day, Education will fall into a derelict state while welfare payments continue to promote the culture of "do nothing productive and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow". HOO RAH!
eddie- the Aggravator

Yes. Vincent Browne says it well in today's IT "I suspect there is another problem: absence of coherent, thought-through political ideas and in the absence of those there are no guidelines on how to distribute the pain, what to prioritise, what to protect. Political ideas such as: first do justice, then do economics." My opinion: these cutbacks may be needed to deal with our €10-15 Bn budget deficit. However, to impose them while we are providing massive subsidies to property developers and builders absolutely stinks. Take the Affordable Homes Initiative.The homes were overvalued by the property developers, sold at a "discount" to the State and now are worth even less than the "discounted" price the State paid for them. In many areas the open market price is less than the price under the Affordable Homes Initiative !!! Disgusting. FF are no more than the political wing of property developer and builders.
john Ireland

Yes in the land of scholars it should not be a vicious "Catch 23," Sure we know one size does not fit all ,but we had no problem of late worldwide with social welfare for the rich.Its a pay now ,or we'll all pay latter.Lets for a change try walking a mile in the disadvantaged guys shoes.
paorach Canada


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