Bill for substitution and supervision has 'rocketed'

Source : Irish Independent

By John Walshe

Wednesday October 29 2008

The cost of supervision and substitution in schools has rocketed in recent years.

At primary level it jumped from €26.3m in 2003, to an estimated €84.4m this year.

At post primary level the cost went up from €52m in 2006, to an estimated €66.9m for secondary, community and comprehensive schools this year. Figures are not available for the vocational sector.

The figures were given in a Dail reply to Fine Gael's Brian Hayes by Minister Batt O'Keeffe who spelled out the reasons for the increases. They included improvements in rates of pay and conditions for substitute teachers, an increase in the number of teachers employed and the extension of absences covered by substitution.

In the 2007/2008 school year, a total of 362,923 days substitute cover for teachers at primary level were provided. 28.9pc of these days related to certified sick leave and 11pc related to uncertified sick leave.

In the same school year, 245,399 days substitute cover for teachers at secondary and community/comprehensive schools were provided. 25.2pc of these days related to certified sick leave and 11.3pc related to uncertified sick leave.

Uncertified sick leave will not be covered from January and neither will absences due to official school business. A spokesman for the Minister said he was looking for the co-operation of the education partners in implementing the decisions.

The Minister said that given the overwhelming need to stabilise the public finances, it had been necessary for savings to be made now in the long term interests of children and of the country.

- John Walshe


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