Education becomes Ruairi Quinn’s new political football! []

EDUCATION is the new political football. Minister Ho Chi Quinn sent it rolling when he revealed to the nation the reason why Irish schools and colleges were producing illiterate scrotes who never got beyond the six-times tables and whose knowledge of English was limited to the information on the back of a Jackie Chan DVD.

It was because young people suffered from poor problem-solving capabilities and had little sense of innovation or creativity. Consequently, the country would never have a high performing managerial cadre!

Quinn, of course, was merely echoing an American Chamber of Commerce (Dublin branch) criticism of Irish education. The Yanks excoriated Irish schools for their reliance on rote learning which, they said, impeded the emergence of an ‘innovation-driven society’.

Having blasted Ireland with their educational cruise missile, they then entrusted the mopping up to their IBEC paddy-friends who pointed the finger of blame at teachers, schools, the Department of Education, the points system and crummy university courses that promoted the Humanities.


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