Reform of Junior Certificate must not be excuse to cut costs []

In advance of the Junior Certificate results, IBEC, the group that represents Irish business, today said that the introduction of a new junior cycle curriculum must not be used by government as a way of cutting costs. Proposals for a new curriculum, involving new assessment arrangements, are set to be announced by government in the coming weeks.

IBEC head of education policy Tony Donohoe said: "IBEC strongly supports the Minister of Education and Skills’ commitment to reform in this area. Change is urgently required, but a new curriculum must be adequately resourced if it is to develop a broader range of skills and stimulate pupils’ enthusiasm for learning. An overhaul of the current over-crowded, rigid and subject-based curriculum is long overdue. The current system does not encourage the types of creativity, flexibility, independent thinking and appetite for learning that are so critical in later stages of education and work.


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