Diary of a schoolteacher: Respect for teachers? It's been taken off the curriculum this year [Independent.ie]

I'm on a free class so I decide to check out the action on the corridors. It's like walking a back street in Naples -- all the usual unsavoury characters are there, from the girls who were let out to go to the loo because their male teacher was too embarrassed to say no, to the boys who hide behind the lockers waiting for them.

Being a coward myself I decide to leave the girls to their make-up and cigarettes and tackle the only boy stupid (sorry, not allowed to say 'stupid'; I mean 'mistaken') enough to get caught in my headlights.

'Hey!' I shout, 'where do you think you're going? Class started a full 10 minutes ago!' He keeps on walking at a fast pace past one classroom after the other, not even pausing as he snarls a, 'Go away, you! Miss Potter gave me toilet permission.'


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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