Students lured by added value of oral Irish exam []

A new marking scheme for Junior and Leaving Certificate Irish was announced back in 2007 by the then Minister for Education Mary Hanafin. In that year, there were as few as 339 students taking the oral Irish test for the Junior Cert – which is an optional component of the overall examination.

The new plan was designed to give more weight to oral Irish in both Junior and Leaving Cert exams. The proportion of marks allocated for the oral component would be raised to 40 per cent of the overall grade in both Junior and Leacing Certs. (Previously, the allocation had been 20 per cent and 25 per cent for Junior and Leaving respectively.)

The new marking scheme, applied for the first time in Junior Cert 2010, saw a significant increase in that year in the number of students opting for the oral - up to 1687, with 54 schools participating.


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