Time to end this divisive debate on private education [IrishTimes]

Parents who send their children to Belvedere College are taxpayers. That they then spend more on their child’s education is their right, argues GERRY FOLEY , the headmaster of the Dublin school

ALL PARENTS SHARE a desire to give their child the best education possible. I can speak only of my experience at Belvedere College SJ, and the reality here is very different to the stereotype of fee-paying schools.

I have worked in both voluntary secondary and community schools in Ireland and in several disadvantaged schools in London. My parents sent me to the Christian Brothers in Tralee (not a rugby ball or a fee in sight), but it wasn’t my local school. I had to cycle six kilometres every morning to catch the bus to school every day. In choosing that school, my parents did what they thought was best. Every parent makes these choices, and in doing so they tap into the deeply held aspirations we all have for our children.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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