'There's too much junk food at school' [IrishTimes]

TBH: TO BE HONEST - An unheard voice in education

A PARENT WRITES . . . My children’s school claims to have a healthy-eating policy. We were told at the induction evening that crisps, sweets, fizzy drinks and other junk foods are not allowed. Unfortunately, the policy is not being followed, and some children seem to bring in whatever they want.

My children are always asking me why they can’t have crisps or chocolate bars or biscuits in their lunch box. When I tell them that the school doesn’t allow it they can list off all the different “treats” that their classmates bring into school, and they want to know why they can’t too.

It’s a difficult one to explain. Several children in their school are quite overweight. If I left mine to eat what they wanted, I think they would be too. One of my sons, in particular, would always choose bad food over good, and I have to say no to him often. He never takes it for answer: he wants to know why.



Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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