An open mind is the only way to tackle this []

I don't know how many parenting magazines I've picked up which tell me that the surefire way to make sure the kids don't access dodgy stuff on the internet is to keep the family PC in a downstairs room, like the kitchen, so I can spot potential paedophiles lurking online while they're doing their homework amid the cacophony of the day.

Yes, well, as parents we know, real life isn't always that simple. Most older teenagers have their own laptop -- indeed, if you're in one of those lucky schools that don't use books any more, you have to have one.

And what self-respecting 15-year-old is going anywhere without a touchscreen mobile that we're constantly reminded has more technology on it than sent man to the moon.

The truth is that the ordinary rules to keeping your child safe have gone out the window. They're being overtaken by a stream of new technology arriving at an ever faster pace and there are now hundreds more opportunities for our children to see sexual imagery, violent acts and vicious crime than ever before.


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