Teacher unions react vehemently to pension legislation changes [businessandleadership.com]

Proposed pension legislation reform, destined to slash the public sector pension bill by 35pc, saving the pension bill by €1.8bn annually, is being strongly contested by the main teacher unions, the INTO and the ASTI, with the latter having described the proposals as “larcenous”.

Speaking on RTÉ News last night The Minister for Public Expenditure and Public Reform, Brendan Howlin said that teachers and Gardaí would be least affected by the reforms.

He said that if anyone believes that teachers contribute more than they get out of their pension schemes that he would speak with them.

He also invited INTO's general secretary Sheila  Noonan for talks. Noonan is looking forward to presenting the INTO's case to Howlin, as she indicated on Morning Ireland this morning.


Full Story: www.businessandleadership.com


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