Gilmore plea to unions on pensions []

Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore has urged unions to stand back after they criticised radical pension reform plans and threatened court action.

The Foreign Affairs Minister said new measures to cut the public service retirement bill by 35%, or 1.8 billion euro, by 2050 are prudent.

The Into and Asti teachers' unions claimed the changes - which do not affect fast accrual rates for ministers, TDs, judges, nurses, gardai and firemen - are illegal.

But Mr Gilmore urged restraint and defended the reforms, announced by Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin to meet commitments given under the bailout loan deal.

Mr Gilmore said: "What is proposed in the Bill that Minister (Brendan) Howlin has published is a new approach to pensions for new entrants to the public service.


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