Local children subjected to overcrowding [roscommonpeople.ie]

A sixth of Roscommon’s 7,000 primary school pupils are in classes of thirty or more. Three-quarters of the pupils in the county are in classes greater than the EU average.

New figures published this week show that three-quarters of pupils in Roscommon schools are in classes of twenty or more. Sixteen percent are in classes of more than thirty children. The figures are the latest available official figures on Irish class sizes.

The general secretary of the INTO Ms. Sheila Nunan described the figures as shocking and said the government was not tackling the problem of overcrowded classes which was, she said, getting worse particularly in urban areas and commuter counties.

The INTO called the figures “a wake-up call for the parents of Roscommon’s 7,000 primary school pupils” in advance of the next budget. The union said Ireland’s classes are the second most overcrowded in Europe and twenty percent higher than the EU average.


Full Story: www.roscommonpeople.ie


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