Halloween Mid-Term Parents Survey - Take Part See Also Parents Resources Health & Wellbeing Childcare Is social networking becoming too social? [schooldays.ie]

Whether you are an active participant or not, the popularity of social networking is pretty hard to ignore. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and the most recent Google Plus have captured the imagination of a media savvy generation of children and adults, with everyone bumping and colliding in an online melting pot of shared personal information. I have often wondered how I will feel when my children are old enough to set up their own online social networks: I am a blogger, Tweeter and sometime Facebooker myself, so I certainly won’t be naïve when it comes to the realities of participating in online communities and that gives me some comfort, at least.

But what happens when the lines between student and teacher begin to blur in cyberspace? It’s a reality being faced daily, with teachers repeatedly being asked to be their pupil’s Facebook friends. Social networking gone too far? Probably.


Full Story: www.schooldays.ie


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