ISPCC calls for ‘panic button’ for Irish teens using Facebook []

The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) has called for the development of a safety button or ‘panic button’ for Irish teens using Facebook and other similar sites.

In a report issued yesterday, the ISPCC says it has been recommending this for several years and it is currently operational in the UK.

The ISPCC also said it believes that legislation for monitoring and addressing child abuse online needs to be enhanced to keep in line with the on-going development of technology.

The second annual National Children’s Consultation report, 'This will come back and bite us in the butt', consulted with 18,116 young people in primary and secondary school, as well as harder-to-reach groups of those not in the formal education system. It is clear, generally, from the findings that the internet has become an integral part of the everyday lives of young people in Ireland; however, the extent to which young people adhere to safety precautions while online is cause for great concern.


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