Teacher's Pet [IrishTimes]

An insider's guide to education

Quinn’s big dilemma on budget cuts

Only one issue dominating staffroom discussions this week – those possible cuts in the €200 million supervision and substitution scheme for teachers.

Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn is refusing to comment on his plans but it’s clear the department is casting around for savings. While no final decision has been taken, the department’s focus is fixed on allowances and extra payments made to teachers over and above their salaries. The department’s line? Something has to give. And cutting extra payments is the best way to protect frontline services. With pay and pensions absorbing over 70 per cent of the €9 billion education budget, Quinn’s room for manoeuvre is limited. The expected increase in class size will deliver savings of about €80 million. But the Minister knows he needs to make other big ticket savings if he is to “deliver’’ (as he put it) for Brendan Howlin. This is why teachers’ pay is in the firing line. Bord Snip found teachers in Ireland receive about 35 per cent more than their British counterparts. It also highlighted generous supervision and substitution payments and other allowances.


Full Story: www.irishtimes.com


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