Today's Vote a Slap in the Face

Source : INTO
30th October 2008

Today's Vote a Slap in the Face

The INTO has called today's vote in the Dáil on class sizes a slap in the face to primary education.

John Carr, General Secretary of the Irish National Teachers' Organisation, said government deputies who voted to increase class sizes in primary schools would have to explain their decision to school communities in every part of the country.

"The last time these government deputies went to the electorate," said Carr, "they committed to investment in primary education and smaller class sizes. Today, government deputies had a chance to prove to the people that they meant what they said. Today, government deputies showed they did not mean what they said at the time of the last election."

He said teachers, along with parents and management, were standing up for pupils and the education system. "This is not about teachers," said Carr. "It is about pupils and their futures."

Mr Carr denied that teachers were scaremongering or pursuing self-interest. "Teacher unions are telling the truth about the extent and the impact of the cuts. Parents will very quickly see this when the cuts take effect in schools."

He said meetings would be held in schools all over the country so that the full effects of the government's proposals would be explained.

Mr Carr said the comments made by the Kerry South TD, Jackie Healy Ray, needed to be explained in full. "Is there going to be one staffing schedule for South Kerry and one for the rest of the country?" asked Mr Carr. "Are language posts going to be saved in south Kerry while schools in other parts of the country lose teachers? Will south Kerry schools get more funding than schools in other parts of Ireland?"

Mr Carr said both the Minister and the south Kerry TD should come clean on whatever deal they have made.



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