Progressing Disability Services for Children & Young People

The Progressing Disability Services for Children & Young People programme page on the Change Hub at is designed for all who have a role to play in progressing disability services for children and young people.

The programme’s resource repository has recently been updated and a large number of new resources have been added. The resources have been organised in the following categories:
Information Category - A presentation setting out the background, objectives and structure of the project is available in the information category. Local groups, holding parents' information meetings, may find this presentation useful as it sets out relevant information regarding the programme
Structure Guidelines Category - A working group of the national co-ordinating group has produced the final version of the guidelines for local implementation groups on developing a governance structure and policies for children’s disability services. The guidelines are now available in the structure guidelines category.
Library - Existing Service Documents drawing on the practical experience and expertise of existing services, this large collection of policies, procedures, protocols and guidelines have been collated from existing providers of children’s' disability services for sharing and possible adaptation by any individual service. Click on Catalogue of Policies, Procedures, Protocols and Guidelines to view a listing of the contents in this category.
Library - Additional Reading & Resources: These reports, documents and articles, many of which are referenced in the guidelines for local implementation groups on developing a governance structure and policies for children’s disability services, have been gathered together for ease of access. They include national and international policy and strategy documents, as well as some relevant research articles. Click on Catalogue of Additional Reading & Resources to view a listing of the contents in this category
To access the resources, select 'Progressing Children’s Disability Service's from the re-configuration. Resources dropdown menu at the top right of the screen. Select the relevant category in the Resource Repository and click on the resource you require.



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