Cork schools secure just one part-time SNA []

Cork has failed to secure one full time special needs assistant (SNA) this month, despite hundreds of posts being available. Figures released to the Cork News by the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) show that 16 SNAs were appointed to schools across the country. While Cork was allocated part-time support, with one SNA working 83% of one “whole time equivalent”, Dublin secured the highest number of posts with five full time SNAs provided in the Capital.

This comes despite an additional 475 posts being held back by the NCSE at the start of the school year to allow for late or emergency applications for SNA support. It follows a decision by the Department of Education to cap SNA numbers at 10,575. The Government highlighted that any surplus in SNAs needed to be identified and withdrawn after a 300% increase in the number of posts provided in the past 10 years, costing the State €342 million.

In response to the figures released for this month’s allocation, a NCSE spokesperson said that Cork’s part-time appointment was based on an “urgent case”. He added that Special Education Needs Organisers (SENOs) would “continue to engage with schools in processing applications for access to SNA support on a national basis”.


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