Teachers’ leader slams league tables [asti.ie]

Commenting on the publication of college entry league tables today, ASTI General Secretary Pat King said: “It is important to recognise that these tables do not tell us about the real performance of schools. In fact they present a shallow, incomplete and distorted picture of the work of schools.”


“League tables which focus solely on college and university entry ignore the fact that a school that empowers a pupil to attain a pass grade in a subject, or to complete the Junior Certificate or the Leaving Certificate, has contributed as much or more as another school that empowers a pupil to attain A grades.


“The best type of school is one which provides a broad and holistic education which seeks to empower all students, of all levels of ability, from all kinds of backgrounds, and who face all kinds of challenges in their young lives.


Full Story: www.asti.ie


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