Children sacrificed to gods of the market by inhuman budget [IrishTimes]

These measures reflect a failure to see human beings as anything but economic units

MOLOCH HAS been on my mind recently. He was a god of ancient times, traditionally portrayed as a bull, who demanded child sacrifice. Some scholars doubt he was ever worshipped, but as a metaphor, “Moloch” entered the English language.

The markets are the modern Moloch. They are capricious and unpredictable, and their wrath is terrible.

Sadly, in this country, it appears we have decided that the poorest children must be sacrificed to the demands of Moloch.

Anyone objecting to particular parts of the budget will be told there is no alternative: we are in dire straits, and cuts must be made. But surely even if we have to humbly bow down to the markets, we can decide where we inflict the pain?


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