Smith condemns cuts to teacher numbers in disadvantaged schools []

The Government has singled out disadvantaged schools for significant cuts to teacher numbers next year in another series of callous cuts in Budget 2012, according to Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Education & Skills Brendan Smith.


Under the plans, 428 posts allocated to disadvantaged schools around the country will be removed on a phased basis, beginning in 2012. The rules on class sizes under the Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools (DEIS) programme will also be changed under the Fine Gael/Labour plan, meaning class sizes in many disadvantaged schools will be increased to 22 pupils.


Deputy Smith said: ““The Taoiseach today told the Dáil that his Government has ‘protected pupil teacher ratio’ in Budget 2012. This could not be further than the truth. The Fine Gael/Labour budget targets disadvantaged schools for cuts to teacher numbers from next year. This is yet another example of their Budget hitting the most vulnerable groups the hardest, while those on higher salaries escape the bulk of the cutbacks.


“Schools in disadvantaged areas face the greatest challenges and can least afford cuts to their staffing levels and services. The cuts announced in Budget will result in larger class sizes in most disadvantaged schools and will have a direct impact on the students who are the most vulnerable in our education system.


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