Topical Issue Debate - Languages Programme []

Deputy Brendan Griffin: This matter was brought to my attention in my constituency over the weekend and I intended to raise yesterday but unfortunately it was not selected for discussion. I thank the Ceann Comhairle for allowing me to raise it today.

I recognise that all Departments face severe economic constraints and understand the need to make savings in every Department. While it is easy to call for cuts to be reversed without setting out alternative sources of revenue, I strongly believe the decision to scrap the modern languages in primary schools initiative should be reviewed. This excellent initiative supports 500 schools nationwide and has a core team of six people co-ordinating it. It provides training and teaching in modern European languages to young children in primary schools and costs little in the overall scheme of things. While a figure of €2.5 million was cited in budget documentation, I understand the overall cost of the initiative is closer to €2 million.

I am concerned that the decision to abolish the scheme has been taken at a time when we need to be more outward looking by teaching our children European languages and doing our best to prepare them for the global market. The modern languages in primary school initiative is a step in the right direction and I hope the decision will be reviewed. While I understand the initial decision was to end the scheme in January, I have been led to believe it will be extended until June. I ask the Minister of State to ensure the decision is reviewed in the period until June with a view to finding some means of continuing to finance this important initiative.


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