Teachers' watchdog pushed for 20pc hike to outgoing boss's salary [Independent.ie]

THE teaching standards watchdog voted for a major salary hike for its outgoing boss, which would have boosted her pension by tens of thousands of euro.

The Irish Independent has learnt that the board of the Teaching Council sought a 20pc pay rise for its €105,000-a-year director Aine Lawlor, who retired a fortnight ago.

If the move had been successful, Ms Lawlor would also have seen her retirement lump sum increased by €33,000 and her pension boosted by more than €10,000 a year.

The proposal was instigated last year but remained on the table until September, just weeks before Ms Lawlor retired.

However, it was shot down by the Department of Education, which refused to sanction such a pay hike in the current economic climate.


Full Story: www.independent.ie


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