Not all fee-paying schools are created equal [IrishTimes]

The audit ordered by the Minister for Education is likely to herald changes in funding but he must first find out which schools are well-heeled and which are struggling, writes SEAN FLYNN, Education Editor

YOU COULD hardly blame some in the fee-paying sector for feeling somewhat under siege these days. The sector has had to absorb a great deal of negative publicity in recent years.

The schools have been targeted by the current Government and the previous administration for pupil-teacher ratio cuts. Budget 2012 increased the pupil-teacher ratio in the fee-paying schools from 20:1 to 21:1; this cut was not imposed on most schools in the State system.

The decision to target fee-paying schools reflects anger – especially among the Labour grassroots and the Teachers’ Union of Ireland, whose members mostly teach in the vocational and comprehensive/community schools.


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