Irish private schools take in €227m annually [IrishTimes]

BACKGROUND: Fee-paying schools generate more than €120 million annually in gross fee income, writes PETER McGUIRE

THE 56 fee-paying schools in the State have two main forms of income – revenue received from parents for fees and support from the State for teacher salaries. Some also receive some support for capital but this has been reduced dramatically in recent years as support for private schools has become more politically sensitive.

Private schools stress that they do not receive capitation and other supports given to schools within the “free” State system. Many also provide scholarships, bursaries and other supports for disadvantaged students. This should be borne in mind when looking at the gross fee income figures on this page. In the vast majority of cases, this figure overstates the amount of discretionary income available to those schools.

That said, the figures underline how many schools in the fee-paying sector receive considerable income from fees and from the State.


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