Recognising the value of teachers

Source : Irish Independent (Letters)

The claim in a headline that I called teachers 'scaremongers' in the debate over the Budget savings made in the education sector (Irish Independent, November 21) was false and misrepresented my remarks to the Dail committee.

In my remarks to the committee on Thursday, I clearly indicated that the leaders of some teacher union bodies were scaremongering.

I base that assertion on the rather emotive and hyperbolic language used by some teacher union leaders over the past number of weeks to describe the impact the savings measures would have on schools.

I want to make it clear that I consider our teachers hard-working and committed members of the public service.

The high quality of our education system is recognised internationally and that is based on the excellent calibre and hard work of many thousands of teachers and others working in education.

Over the past six months, since my appointment as minister for education and science, I have seen at first hand the valuable work they do day in day out to prepare our children for the future. I did not call teachers scaremongers -- rather some union leaders who claim to represent their interests.

In my remarks to the committee, I asked for the support and co-operation of teachers and their union leaders in implementing the decisions taken in Budget 2009 which were necessary in the unprecedented economic times in which we live.

I believe that, if we work together in solidarity and without recourse to hype or to rigid sectoral interests, we can get through this difficult time for our nation and return to sustainable economic growth.




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