ICTU call to 'soften' cutbacks

Source : Irish Examiner

The economist said there was no economic rationale behind increasing class sizes when it was widely acknowledged education is the key to future growth.

"What sort of madness dictates we abandon a lifesaving vaccine that costs just €10 million?" he said.

"Minister Harney should halt the crazy co-location plan that will cost taxpayers upwards of €400m.

"It is also obvious that it is unjust to impose an income levy solely on labour. Business must also be asked to help shoulder the burden."

Mr Sweeney pointed out that all the major economies, from the US to Britain, are looking at economic stimulus packages to breathe life back into their economies.

"The Irish Government needs to start thinking at that level," he said.

"The forthcoming Finance Bill is Government's last opportunity to reverse the most damaging and unjust of these cuts."

Trade union demands

Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) recommendations on the budget:

1. While ICTU welcomes the Government exemption of those on the minimum wage, it needs to ensure that people do not start paying as soon as they earn 1c over and above that rate. Equally, ICTU believes the levy should be on an escalating scale for high earners above €100,000.

2. Business must also be asked to shoulder the burden. It is not equitable to impose an income levy on labour — which already pays higher taxes — and completely exempt corporations.

3. Reverse the education cuts.

4. Reverse and revisit some of the decisions made with regard to health spending, including the abandonment of the programme of cervical cancer vaccination for teenage girls.

5. Revisit the issue of medical card coverage.

6. If the minister is looking for spare funds, abandon the destructive and costly co-location programme.

7. Reverse the cuts in funding for the country's equality and human rights infrastructure.

8. Terminate all tax breaks around property.

9. With the threat of deflation, take action in the spring budget to stimulate the economy.

10. Consideration should be given to cutting the standard rate of VAT by 2%.


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