Parents urged to join schools protest rally

Source : The Corkman

THE parents of national school pupils in north Cork have been urged to join a mass rally taking place in Cork city on Sunday, to express their disgust at proposed education cutbacks.

Up to 40,000 protestors from all over the country are expected to take part in the rally, which will depart from the Grand Parade at noon. Protesters will march along the South Mall, along Patrick Street and back to the Grand Parade, where they will be addressed by representatives from the various teachers unions and parent's associations.

Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO) spokesman Jerry Sheehy, a teacher at St Patrick's NS in Mallow, said that the proposed cuts would have a devastating affect on schools across the entire north Cork area.

"In Mallow the cuts will result in the loss of three language teachers and one ordinary teacher from two of the local national schools," said Mr Sheehy.

"The real problem is that the current staff allocation for schools was made on September 30, before the proposed cuts were unveiled in the budget. This will result in a serious problem for schools next year," he added.

INTO spokesman for the Fermoy region Tom Murray said that the town faces a similar problem.

Mr Murray, a teacher at Kilmagner NS said that some schools in the area would lose vital language support teachers, while others would be unable to take on new teachers as a direct result of the proposed cuts. This is regardless of the expected increase in the number of pupils attending local schools next year.

He said that in real terms this would mean the seven national schools in the immediate vicinity of Fermoy would lose up to four language support and ordinary teachers between them.

"This will not only have a serious impact on the quality of education pupils receive, but will also affect young teachers trying to enter the profession," said Mr Murray.

"I am calling on as many parents and members of staff from the north Cork area to attend this rally to express their outrage and disgust at what is being proposed," he added.

Catherine Reidy, principal at Grange NS in Fermoy said that the cutbacks, if fully implemented, would result in a dramatic increase in class sizes.

"In our case we will lose one teacher as we will be one pupil short of the 145 quota outlined in the budget. However by September of next year pupil numbers will be up to 148 with no increase in teaching staff. This situation will be mirrored in other schools across the Fermoy area," she said.

Patricia Murphy, media coordinator with the INTO said that the government seems intent on penalising the most vulnerable in our society with their proposed education cuts.

" The Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe's blasé assertion that the effects on children will be minimal simply does not fit the facts," said Ms Murphy.

" By attending Saturday's rally parents will have the chance to send a strong and simple message to the government ; enough is enough."



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