Westlife star to fund school in planning deal

Source : Irish Independent

WESTLIFE singer Shane Filan is to bankroll a substantial extension to a neighbouring primary school as "a good will gesture" to help secure planning permission for a multimillion-euro project

In return, the school's board of management will not object to the project by Shane Filan and his brother Finbarr, close to the school, which is currently before the planning authority.

If the development next door to Filan's plush home goes ahead, Scoil Naomh Eanna in Carrowroe, Co Sligo, stands to gain a much needed €400,000 extension. This will include three classrooms, a resource room, toilet facilities and a new play area.

The original plans by Shafin Ltd for a €30m 'neighbourhood centre' development -- which had included two six-storey high tower blocks -- were withdrawn by the brothers after they met with strong local opposition, including the board of management of the 286-pupil school.

Yesterday, school principal Deasun Lyons confirmed that extensive negotiation had taken place between the development company and the school's board since the first application was withdrawn.

"We had concerns about the original size which was a seven-storey apartment block in an L-shape around the school, looking down on the schoolyard. These plans have now been revised and the size has been brought down to three storeys. Most of the windows have also been redirected and there will be an eight-feet boundary wall which will screen the school from the development," he explained.

He added that their fears about an underground car park undermining the foundations of the school had also been allayed. "This time around, we have been widely consulted. They have been in constant contact with the management," he said.

The principal said that the developers had offered to fund the extension as a "good will gesture" to compensate for the disruption and the noise pollution which would be caused during the three-year construction work.

"We are blessed with good neighbours. As a next door neighbour and probably because his own children will be coming to the school in the future, Shane has offered to do this and we are delighted. "This extension is much needed and it will secure the future of the school for 10 to 15 years.

"We are just keeping our fingers crossed that planning permission will be passed and the project will go ahead. If it does, we stand to gain so much," he said.

The proposed new €20m development on a seven-acre site will comprise of 11 shops, 68 apartments, substantial office space and a creche close to the Carrowroe roundabout on the southern outskirts of the town. It will also include a medi-centre and 270 car parking spaces.


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