'Schools being mis-sold IT systems'

Schools are advised to be extremely careful and ensure all IT equipment they buy comes with the necessary, appropriate, legal software.

Prim-Ed Publishing's Managing Director, Seamus McGuinness, is urging schools in Ireland to adhere to Activprimary licensing agreements, following reports that the software solution is being used on non-Promethean interactive whiteboards.

"Promethean's Activ software, which comprises Activprimary and Activstudio, is sold independently within the United Kingdom only. In Ireland, the software is exclusively licensed for use with a Promethean Activboard.

"However, some resellers are advising schools to purchase non-Promethean boards and use these with Activprimary. This practice is in breach of the terms and conditions of purchase and could lead to the initiation of legal proceedings against all involved parties," Mr McGuinness warned.

Paul Dean, Director of Partner Management at Promethean, urged schools to be on their guard. Schools are being misled by a handful of people selling cheaper non Promethean boards and urging them to download Activprimary or Activstudio software, claiming it will give teachers the same functionality as a complete Promethean solution.

"This is not the case and to protect themselves - and make the most of Activprimary features - the software should only be used with Promethean hardware. Schools need to be cautious of this sales tactic and anyone that has been approached by a reseller offering a non-Promethean Activboard for use with Activprimary or Activstudio software, is urged to report the incident and reseller details directly to Promethean, to Marie Hamer Account Manager for Ireland 0044 1254 290598 " Mr Dean said.

Activprimary is an award-winning interactive software solution, developed specifically for pupils aged up to 11 years. Designed by teachers, for teachers, it makes thousands of collaborative tools and curriculum resources readily available at the 'chalk face', helping to keep pupils engaged and motivated for longer periods.

The full suite of Promethean collaborative learning solutions, including the Activboard with Activprimary or Activstudio software, is available to purchase in the Republic of Ireland through Prim-Ed - Promethean's exclusive distributor. For further details visit www.prim-ed.com.


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