Minister O'Keeffe informs Dáil of interim arrangements for substitution in second-level schools for rest of school year

Source : D.E.S

Full review of supervision and substitution arrangements to be put in place

The Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD, today informed the Dáil that proposals had been made to his department by second-level management bodies identifying annual savings of €16 million on substitution costs and how these savings can be made in the current year and on a continuing basis.

The proposals involve replacing heretofore demand-led availability of cover for uncertified sick leave and official school business, costing €21 million per annum, with an allocated or budgeted scheme costing €5 million per annum.

On the basis of these proposals and discussions between the management bodies and his Department, the Minister said he is making available €2.7 million to second-level schools for the remainder of the school year.

This will provide each school with a limited number of hours of substitution cover outside of the supervision and substitution scheme.

The Minister intends that, during this period, there will be a full review of the substitution and supervision scheme in conjunction with the school management bodies and teacher unions with a view to making up this additional €2.7 million expenditure and thereby ensuring that the budgetary parameters are met.

The implementation of the proposals made by second-level management bodies will, over the balance of the current school year, enable second-level schools to manage unpredictable teacher absences due to uncertified sick leave, as well as providing for a new basis for managing the use of substitution cover for school business.

The Minister added that he would also be open to similar constructive suggestions from primary school management bodies.



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