Acting in collective interest is an 'obligation of citizenship'

Source : D.E.S

Acting in the collective interest is an obligation of citizenship at this critical time for our nation, our society and our economy, according to the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD.

Speaking in advance of the planned INTO march in Dublin today [Saturday], Minister O'Keeffe said that, while he understands teachers' disappointment at the savings measures, it was simply not realistic that education be completely exempted from any spending restrictions in the current economic climate.

'We have to be realistic about what the country can afford.

'There is financial turmoil around the world.

'Many countries are now in recession including Ireland.

'We are having to make courageous political decisions to deal with the current economic situation.

'There is and must be a national commitment on the part of the Government to take the tough decisions that will restore our nation to economic prosperity as soon as possible.

'The cost-saving measures the Government outlined in the Budget are necessary to safeguard the future of our country and of our children,' said Minister O'Keeffe.

Minister O'Keeffe said the high quality of our teachers is recognised internationally.

'During my visits to many schools in the past few months, I have seen at first hand the excellent work teachers do day in day out with children in our schools.

'I am asking for the support of the entire education sector in helping us to work through this very difficult time for our country.

'I know that some of the measures, particularly those affecting schools, are unpopular, but the gravity of the financial situation we face makes them absolutely necessary.

'In relation to substitution, I have made available funding for limited substitution for second level schools following proposals made by the school management bodies.

'I am asking the partners in education to work together in solidarity to manage all the new arrangements locally to best meet the needs of school communities as we get through this very difficult period for our nation,' said Minister O'Keeffe.



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