Get real, minister

Source : Sunday Independent (Letters)

Sir -- Regarding the statement by the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe that teachers and parents "need to get real" regarding the education cutbacks, it appears that the minister is totally unaware that safety legislation has changed greatly in recent years and that the duty of care required of schools is now much greater.

Boards of management could find themselves in breach of their duty of care by failing to engage sufficient staff to safely conduct a school or failing to send sufficient teachers on a school trip/excursion, educational visit, school game.

They must devise a safe system of substitution/ supervision and maintain safe plant -- negligent supervision of students would fall into this category as would an inadequate substitution system.

It is simply not realistic for the minister to continue to hanker after times past, to look for solidarity and for co-operation in the national interest when legislation (introduced by his own Government) prevents this.

Shay Bannon,
Principal, CBS High School, Clonmel, Co Tipperary


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