Interim Arrangements for Teacher Substitution

Source: INTO

The Department of Education and Science has announced interim arrangements for teacher substitution in primary schools. There will be substitute cover for teachers on uncertified sick leave other than on the first day of absence.

In a school where more than one teacher is absent on the first day of uncertified sick leave, substitute cover will be provided for the second and subsequent teachers that are absent. In schools with two teachers or less cover will be provided where any classroom teacher is absent.

The INTO said the union would co-operate with the proposal from the Department as a gesture of good will. "This is an interim solution," said INTO General Secretary John Carr, "which will enable us to reduce the effects of the budget cutbacks on children." He said further talks on the issue of substitution would take place in January.

The INTO called on the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe, to reciprocate the union's goodwill by entering into talks on school staffing.

Mr Carr attributed today's proposal from the Department on substitution to the recent campaign organised by the INTO with the support of parents and school management. "The consequences of the budget cutbacks for children were obvious to parents and management and their whole hearted support for the protest marches was a clear signal to government that something had to be done," said Carr.

Mr Carr said this was the first achievement of the INTO's campaign against the budget cutbacks. "It won't be the last," he said. "But," he said, "it is not a resolution of the education cutbacks in the budget and not why people marched."



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