Primary schools to get €2.2m in IT funding [Sunday Tribune]


Seventy-two primary schools across the country are to get €2.2 million in grants for high-tech equipment over the coming days as part of the Government's continuing efforts to make technology an integral part of the learning process, according to the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD.

Minister O'Keeffe said the 72 primary schools in which major construction work was completed in 2008 will each get €5,000 per classroom to buy computer hardware, software and digital equipment.

Announcing the €2.2 million investment, Minister O'Keeffe said: 'The allocation amounts to €5,000 in respect of each permanent classroom built in 2008.

'It'll enable schools to radically improve their information communications technology (ICT) capacity in the classroom.

'This is the first time there has been an ICT allowance per classroom at primary school level and I'm delighted to be in a position to announce that important shift in education policy.

'These ICT equipment grants of €2.2 million will issue to 72 primary schools in which a newly constructed school or large-scale extension was completed in 2008.

'The grants will enable schools to equip their new classrooms with appropriate technology to integrate ICT into teaching and learning.

'The National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE) has advised schools of the appropriate equipment specification which should include a fixed digital projector, an internet-enabled laptop computer and a visualiser complemented by classroom computers.

'I'm very conscious of the need to boost schools' ICT capacity and I want to ensure that technology becomes an integral part of the learning process at an early age.

'These grants demonstrate our commitment to providing the kind of high-tech hardware required to fulfill that objective.

'My longer term goal is to increase the take-up of science, engineering and technology courses in third-level institutions in the building of Ireland's knowledge economy and innovation society,' said Minister O'Keeffe.

He said schools are now being advised of the national-level purchasing frameworks in place for desktops, laptops and printers which are aimed at delivering best value for money.

'The NCTE is providing advice and guidance to schools on the range of ICT equipment.

'This €2.2 million investment brings the total spend on schools' ICT equipment under the School Building Programme to €4.5 million in 2008.

'The investment in schools' ICT infrastructure under the School Building Programme is significant and it'll be continued in all major building projects.

'In line with the report of the ICT strategy group which I published last year, seminars on e-learning have been held for ICT co-ordinating teachers, initially in the post-primary sector, and the NCTE will shortly publish its e-learning manual for schools.

'As outlined in the Government's Framework for Sustainable Economic Renewal, we are committed to enhancing schools' ICT capacity.

'These grants underline that commitment and demonstrate our intention to place ICT proficiency at the heart of the learning process in the classroom,' said Minister O'Keeffe.

Please find attached below link to the full list of schools to which the grants will be paid over the coming days. There is also a breakdown of their individual allocations based on the number of new classrooms provided in 2008.


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