Schools could chalk up water fines [Irish Independent]

Source: Irish Independent

By Paul Melia

Schools and businesses will be fined for wasting water under tough new conservation measures to be announced today.

And gardeners who water their lawns or motorists who insist on washing their cars during times of water shortages face on-the-spot fines of €125, with penalties rising to as much as €5,000 if they fail to heed warnings to stop.

Environment Minister John Gormley has signed new regulations which will compel businesses and schools to fix leaks and stop wasting water or else face the prospect of a day in court.

They will be told to take simple measures like turning off automatic flushing urinals at weekends and at night time to save water, and can be ordered by local authorities to fix leaks.

And those which fail to comply with the order could find their water supply cut off, and face an appearance in the District Court where fines of up to €5,000 can be imposed.

People or businesses which breach a hosepipe ban also face stiff penalties.

Section 56 of the 2007 Water Services Act allows local authorities to 'prohibit or restrict' the use of water during periods of drought for watering a garden, park or playing pitch, irrigating or spraying crops, filling a swimming pool or washing a car, truck or trailer.


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