Radical new rating system proposed for schools [Irish Independent]

Source: Irish Independent

By John Walshe

Radical moves towards informing parents how individual schools fare in exams were signalled last night by Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe.

But a spokesman insisted the minister was not in favour of the publication of national league tables of exam results.

"What the minister is talking about is schools empowering parents in the local community to make informed decisions based on the programmes, policies and performance of schools in a holistic way," he said.

The spokesman said the minister, as a priority, wanted schools to be more transparent in how they operated.


He would like to see them giving a lot more information to parents on everything from enrolment policies to achievements in sports. This information for the local community would also include information on attainments in exams.

He stressed that there was no change in policy towards the publication of exam results.

"What the minister is trying to do is broaden out the school in its interaction with the local community in terms of helping parents to have all the information necessary to make informed decisions on behalf of their children."

Although no talks were planned, he said the minister was indicating his interest in exploring this approach.

- John Walshe Education Editor


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