Grants structured to give schools a little lift [The Corkman]

Source: The Corkman

MORE than 3,200 primary schools will receive grant payments amounting to some €26 million in the coming days which can be used to carry out small-scale structural and mechanical works, according to the Minister for Education and Science, Batt O'Keeffe TD. Announcing the Minor Works Grant for 2008/2009, Minister O'Keeffe said the rates payable are €5,500 per school and €18.50 per pupil. For example, a 50-pupil school will get €6,425 and a 300-pupil school will receive over €11,000.

"The annual grant for all primary schools with full recognition will allow them to carry out minor works on school buildings without needing to deal directly with the Department," said Minister O'Keeffe. "The €26.5 million investment will hit schools' bank accounts over the coming days."

He said the funds must be spent on the physical infrastructure of the school or on items of furniture and equipment for educational use including information technology-related equipment.

Works covered include improvements to school buildings and grounds, improvements to or replacement of mechanical and electrical services, the purchase of standard furniture, physical education equipment, floor coverings, window blinds and information technology-related equipment.

Schools do not apply to the Department for approval to carry out works or to purchase items covered by the scheme.

"I'd urge schools to spend the money wisely and to make sure they get the best possible value for money," said Batt O'Keeffe.


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