Attack on Special Needs Children Unforgivable - Hayes [Fine Gael Press Office]

Source: Fine Gael Press Office

Fine Gael Education Spokesman, Brian Hayes, today described the decision by Education Minister Bat O'Keeffe to slash special needs classes in over 130 Primary Schools, as the worst example yet of an attacking on the most vulnerable in our education system.

"The Minister clearly has no understanding of special needs provisions within Primary Schools. By removing these classes, additional and unsustainable pressure will be put on existing mainstream classes in schools and will inhibit the rights of all children to a decent education.

"Bat O'Keeffe needs to clarify immediately what additional support if any he will provide to the affected schools. Will the children receive a Special Needs Assistant (SNA)? Will they receive additional resource hours? These questions need to be answered today.

"Attacking the most vulnerable in our education system represents a new low even for this Minister. It could be argued that the withdrawal of these special needs classes also undermines the commitment on the part of the State to implement the Epsem Act.

"I believe the Children's Ombudsman should intervene along with the Education partners to stand up for the rights of these children who cannot stand up for themselves."


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