Minister Seán Haughey TD addresses the Joint North South Traveller Education Conference [DES]

Source: DES

Seán Haughey TD, Minister for Lifelong Learning, today addressed the Joint North South Traveller Education Conference at the Canal Court Hotel, Newry, Co Down.

Speaking at the conference Minister Haughey said 'This is a very significant day for traveller education throughout the entire island of Ireland.

'We are all here with the common aim of working together to improve the practice, delivery and educational outcomes for traveller children and learners of all ages on this island.

'It is of huge significance that a Taskforce on Traveller Education has been established in Northern Ireland.

'The link between education, lifelong learning, training and enterprise is vital in supporting greater participation by Travellers in our society at every level.

'I compliment my colleague, Caitríona Ruane, on establishing this most important Taskforce and I wish Robbie McVeigh, Chairman and all members of the Taskforce every success in their deliberations.

'I am especially pleased that my Department is participating in this vital work, and I am in no doubt but that the outcome of the Taskforce's work will be hugely beneficial to Traveller education in every part of Ireland.

Minister Haughey concluded by wishing all involved with the conference every success in the future.


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