Industrial Action in Schools [INTO]

Source: INTO

The INTO Executive meets today to plan campaign of action against pay cuts.

Following last weekend's vote for industrial action, up to and including strike action by primary teachers, the INTO Executive is meeting today to consider a campaign of action in the country's 3,200 primary schools. The union's call for industrial action was backed by 79% of primary teachers.

Among the issues being considered by the union's Executive Committee is support for the call by the Irish Congress of Trade Union's for a one day work stoppage on 30th March. The Executive will also examine proposals for a work to rule and withdrawal from additional work in schools.

Speaking in advance of this morning's meeting, INTO General Secretary John Carr said the size of the vote in favour of action showed the depth of anger among teachers at government's decision to walk away from social partnership.

"The dictatorial imposition of pay cuts dressed up as a pension levy on teachers and other public servants only has greatly angered primary teachers," said Mr Carr. "This added to the abandoning of negotiated pay increases will see some teachers losing up to twenty percent of salary before any budget changes are imposed next month."


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