Pension row teachers plan work-to-rule as anger builds [Irish Independent]

Source: Irish Independent

By: JOhn Walshe

MORE than 14,000 teachers have been told by their union to go on a virtual work-to-rule as anger builds over the pensions levy.

"Partnership is over for now," said the Teachers' Union of Ireland.

The TUI said that "we will protect front-line services as far as we can, but other non-teaching duties must, of necessity, go by the board".

General secretary Peter MacMenamin said partnership "died" on Tuesday when the Taoiseach imposed a pay levy labelled as a pension levy.

"TUI will reconsider all the additional duties, many of dubious educational value, and we will recommend that teachers cut out extraneous duties so as to focus the effort on the core duties of teaching and lecturing," he said, adding that recommendations would be issued to members in the coming days.

The Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland is also taking a strong line on the pension change. General secretary John White said it was considering a range of actions up to, and including, industrial action.

ASTI has written to the other teacher unions seeking a joint executive meeting. Mr White said it would co-ordinate its actions with the other unions and the public services committee of ICTU.

Meanwhile, INTO will consult with members, starting with a national meeting of branch officers on Tuesday, to be followed by local meetings.

- John Walshe Education Editor


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