Special needs cuts a major blow to school [Irish Independent]

Source: Irish Independent

I am a primary school teacher working in a large city school.

I am employed as a resource teacher. I work with and for children who have physical or mental disabilities, sometimes both, which impact on their educational development.

To be most effective in my work I depend on special needs assistants (SNAs) to implement customised educational plans.

They are my eyes and ears in the classroom. They also help out the class teacher with other duties. They certainly earn their salaries in our school.

Now, because of the education cutbacks, we are faced with losing some or all of our SNAs.

This is not only devastating for them and their families but for us as a school:

1. This policy hurts the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in our society.

2. It is foolish economy as unmet needs will cost the state more in the long run (social research bears this out).

3. There are areas where savings could be made that do not impact on people's lives, ie, state cars, government jets and junkets.

Let's see some of our public representatives take their share of 'the pain'.

Seán Ó Déadaig
Gort an Acra
Baile Mich Ire
Co Cork


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