Probe into €750,000 'fraud' in school meals fund [Irish Independent]

Source: Irish Independent

by: Anita Guidera

THE Department of Social and Family Affairs has launched a major investigation into allegations of subsidy fraud under the School Meals' Programme.

It is understood the investigation centres on a supply company to the programme which has allegedly defrauded the department of more than €750,000 in subsidies over the past three years.

The investigation began late last year after the department was alerted to an unusually high level of subsidies being claimed by the company.

In one school, it is understood subsidies were being claimed for 700 students when only 600 were availing of meals.

The Irish Independent has learned that some schools had begun to express concern about the way the scheme was being administered by the company.

It also emerged last night that the investigation, understood to be the first of its kind, may be broadened to involve at least one other government department.

A source close to the department said the investigation was at an early stage but was being taken "very seriously".

The School Meals' Programme funds national and secondary schools, local groups and voluntary organisations to provide food services for disadvantaged school children.

Funding is allocated on the basis of a rate per meal per child.

School principals then certify the number and type of meals provided, which is the basis for funding from the department, and submit accounts to verify the amount claimed.

Expenditure on the scheme was around €32m last year.

In a statement, the department said allegations of fraud were taken seriously and were fully investigated.

"Under the School Meals' Programme, the department deals directly with the schools concerned and does not deal with any suppliers that a school may engage. Any allegations of fraud or abuse of the social welfare system are taken seriously by the department and are fully investigated.

"The department cannot comment on individual cases of fraud or abuse until they have been successfully prosecuted through the courts.


"However, the department can confirm that it is currently investigating an allegation in relation to the operation of the School Meals' Programme," the statement said.

According to the department, funding for the School Meals' Programme is intended "for the purchase and distribution of healthy, nourishing, food items only".

The department says financial support is not made available for sugary drinks, fried foods and confectionery.

It states it is also committed to examining records on foods bought under the programme and stresses that those found to be operating inadequate schemes would be suspended from receiving further financial support, until such time as any issues are resolved.

- Anita Guidera


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