Special needs cuts are an absolute disgrace [Irish Examiner]

Source: Irish Examiner

EDUCATION MINISTER Batt O'Keeffe's decision to cut special needs classes is an absolute disgrace.

Children with learning difficulties have effectively been forgotten by our so-called leaders. It is disgusting we won't help the weak and disadvantaged when they need it most at start of their lives.

This State spent €2 million to purchase the Blasket Island. While I agree with this in principle, did it have to be done now during a recession that has engulfed us all?

I agree wholeheartedly with John Carr, INTO general secretary, when he wrote (Irish Examiner, February 13): "Everyone it seems is being asked to accept decisions like this for the good of the country. Everyone that is except the decision-makers and their well-connected friends".

I have voted Fianna Fáil all my adult life. Never again.

Darragh O'Riordan
Upper Clevedon
Co Cork


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