Protesting workers told cost-cutting is essential [Breaking News]

Source: Breaking News

The Government today defended its handling of the economic crisis as crowds gathered in central Dublin to protest over its impact on workers.

In an unusual move, the Government issued a statement in advance of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) demonstration to insist its cost-cutting measures were essential.

"The Government recognise that the measures which it is taking are difficult and, in some cases, painful," it stated.

"The Government is also convinced, however, that they are both necessary and fair."

The ICTU march, from Parnell Square to the Dáil, was originally planned to protest at public sector cutbacks and pension levies.

But organisers later called on all workers, from the public and private sector, to turn out in a "national demonstration" against the handling of the downturn.

Public outrage has been growing at cutbacks directed against people on lower incomes, soaring unemployment and almost daily scandals in the banking industry.

But the Government said its steps were needed to show the world that Ireland was starting to get its public finances back in shape.

"Failure to show that credible start means that we impact directly and severely on our international reputation among investors and, in particular, on our capacity to raise funds and on the direct cost of servicing the borrowing which we are able to undertake," the statement said.

Ictu said ordinary taxpayers are being asked to bear the brunt of an unprecedented downturn caused by people who made a fortune during the Celtic Tiger boom years.


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