ICTU to discuss strike action [Irish Examiner]

Source: Irish Examiner

The executive council of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions meets today to consider its next move following Saturday's mass demonstration.

Up to 120,000 people took to the streets of the capital to protest against the Government's handling of the economy, and in particular the controversial pension levy.

With a turn-out far exceeding many's expectations the Irish Congress of Trade Unions will have been happy with Saturday's demonstration and the pressure put on the Government by the participation of people from across the private and public sectors.

Today ICTU's executive council are expected to consider whether constituent unions will now ballot members on strike action.

Several unions are already balloting - the teachers unions - the INTO, TUI and ASTI - are asking members for a mandate to strike with a result expected early next month.

Meanwhile this Thursday 13,000 lower-paid civil servants - who are members of the CPSU - will hold a one-day stoppage against the pension levy, while the GRA - which represents rank and file Gardaí, is organising a march for Wednesday.


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