Another expert group established [Education Matters]

Source: Education Matters

A new expert group has been set up to examine how the Department of Education can work with the private sector to improve ICT in the classroom.

The new group, which will report by May, is made up of members of ICT Ireland, the Telecommunications and Internet Federation, the Irish Software Association, the Department of Education and Science and the National Centre for Technology in Education. It will be chaired by Paul Rellis, managing director of Microsoft Ireland.

The group will advise on the use of computers to improve teaching and learning, and explore ways in which private industry could partner with schools in delivering better high-tech classroom equipment.

"As Minister, I attach particular significance to information communications technology (ICT) in the classroom and the need to make computer literacy and high-tech awareness an integral part of the learning process for our young people," Minister O'Keeffe said.

"Over the past number of months, I've met all the major players in the ICT sector as part of my efforts to engage them in a discussion of the role they can play in helping Government to enhance ICT capacity in schools.

"In these more challenging economic times, I'm looking for innovative and cost-effective ways in which we can enhance the classroom experience for students and teachers, including in the area of ICT."

O'Keeffe said his longer-term goal was to increase the take-up of science, engineering and technology courses in third-level institutions in the building of Ireland's "smart economy and innovation island" strategy.

The Republic is currently close to the bottom of OECD tables in relation to ICT facilities in schools, and the Teachers' Union of Ireland (TUI) has said that over half of school computers are unusable. (Source: Irish Times)


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