Give the Government a chance to save economy, says businessman McManus [Irish Indepepndent]

Source: Irish Independent

One of the country's most successful businessmen, JP McManus, believes the Taoiseach Brian Cowen he should be given a chance to get Ireland out of the current economic slump. "I think we are in good hands and we will leave it to them," Mr McManus said in Limerick yesterday.

Speaking at the inaugural All-Ireland Scholarships in the University of Limerick, the renowned philanthropist said the country was best left in the hands of the present Government. In the first year of the scholarships, a total of 118 third-level students from across the country will each receive €6,750 annually from the Limerick man.

Mr McManus has contributed a pot of €30m to assist students in each year of their continuing education in the country's third-level institutions. It is estimated that 1,300 students from every county will benefit from the scheme.


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