Gogarty Resignation A Futile Gesture At This Stage [Labour Party]

Source: Labour Party

"The resignation of Deputy Paul Gogarty as Education Spokesperson for the Green Party is a fairly futile gesture at this stage.

"Had Deputy Gogarty been prepared to take this stand when his government was forcing swinging education cuts through the Dail last October it might well have forced his Party to reconsider their support for Batt O'Keeffes proposals. Some of the significant damage that is now being caused to our education system might have been averted.

"At the end of the day, Deputy Gogarty was prepared to vote for the cuts and it is only a perceived slight to his position, in the form of a motion passed at the Green Party conference, that has now caused him to resign his position.

"If Deputy Gogarty is to be consistent he should now also resign his paid position as Chair of the Oireachtas Committee on Education."


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